Shed Digging

Hey Everyone!  In preparation for the shed floor we needed to dig out the bottom in order to get more head space.  This would also give us more precise measurements for the flooring.  Let me just tell you, it sounded good in theory, but have you ever dug something like this out?  Not fun.  The digging wasn't so much the problem, but the roots from nearby trees were.  There are at least 4 large roots growing through this area.  Annoying!

Josh has been amazing and helping me out by digging in the morning.  It's been so hot lately that you really just want to dig in the morning.  I was digging tonight and I was dripping, literally!  This is what it looked like when I began after Josh had dug this morning.

He got a good chunk done, but there was still a long way to go, but what to do with the dirt?  We're going to move some down front where we had removed a bush after it had died when we had to replace the drain pipe from the house to the main sewer line.  The rest of it will have to go somewhere, any ideas?

After 45 minutes of digging and sweating this is what I left it as.

The biggest problem is the roots.  There are some big roots that are growing from somewhere.  Josh'll have to cut those with a saw.  We're moving along.  Slowly, but surely. What do you think of our progress?  I just want to hurry up and getting building.  I'm one of those people that wants to hurry up and get things done.  I hate waiting for things to dry, so annoying!  So this is really racking on my nerves.  But we're doing good and getting it done.  So grateful for my amazing husband helping me out with the digging.  It would be impossible without him!

Have you started any big projects lately?
Have fun!


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